SEO Articles

Probably the world’s best SEO blog for C-Suite Executives

Common SEO mistakes to avoid

This article could be so long that I could publish it into it's own book, however, for the sake of just getting content out there in hopes of helping some of you, I’ve decided to condense it down to a few targeted items. As most of  you already know, search

Common SEO mistakes to avoid2020-05-09T04:15:38+00:00

A Quick Guide to Understanding PPC Keyword Match Types

With Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, keywords form the foundation of the industry. Hence, when developing your PPC campaign, you'll not only select keywords you want for your ad to appear but also how "exact" you want them to match. This process of setting limits on your keywords to control which search

A Quick Guide to Understanding PPC Keyword Match Types2020-04-28T15:36:45+00:00

The Top SEO Questions Surrounding COVID-19 Answered

Introduction Within months, COVID-19 has swept the nation, as well as the world, and is causing daily disruptions in the lives of many individuals. Personal routines have been drastically changed, as well as the operations of many businesses. Now, more than ever, it is essential that businesses are provided with

The Top SEO Questions Surrounding COVID-19 Answered2020-04-09T20:02:55+00:00

SEO Tips During COVID-19 for Marketers and Business Owners

Introduction Within a matter of months, the COVID-19 pandemic has swept across the nation and brought disturbances to everyday life. While individuals are being asked to follow new rules and regulations, business owners must also prepare for the potential economic impact due to the fallout from these changed behaviors. For

SEO Tips During COVID-19 for Marketers and Business Owners2020-04-09T01:46:07+00:00

Presenting SEO to Your C-Suite Executives

SEO is a familiar term in the digital marketing realm. However, to a C-Suite executive this term may sound foreign. The concept behind SEO may also be difficult to grasp, especially considering how C-Suite executives operate. However, there are ways that you can present SEO to your C-Suite Executive to

Presenting SEO to Your C-Suite Executives2020-03-25T20:51:42+00:00

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic, Why It’s Time to Double Down Your Digital Marketing Investments

COVID-19 Worldwide Pandemic A pandemic is as serious as they come. COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus,  is a fast-spreading virus that has seemingly found its way into every major business market around the world. It is currently running rampid in the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone around the globe. 

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic, Why It’s Time to Double Down Your Digital Marketing Investments2020-04-04T22:28:39+00:00

From Brad’s Brain

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson 

May my thoughts and experiences make a positive difference in your own lives. -Brad

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