All You Need to Know About Google’s August 2024 Core Update

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On August 15, 2024, Google rolled out its latest core update, continuing its efforts to improve the quality and relevance of search results. As with previous updates, the August 2024 core update aims to reward genuinely useful content and deprioritize content created solely to rank well in search results without delivering value. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Focus of the August 2024 Core Update

The primary goal of this update is to ensure that Google’s search engine surfaces high-quality, valuable, and original content that satisfies user intent. Google has stated that it will prioritize content that users find genuinely helpful, even if it comes from smaller, independent websites. In essence, this update could help smaller websites with robust and original content perform better in search rankings, as Google emphasizes the relevance and value of information over sheer optimization techniques.

Prioritizing Genuine, Useful Content

One key takeaway from this update is Google’s continued push to combat content designed purely for SEO performance. The algorithm is better equipped to detect “SEO-first” content that offers little value to users. Websites focused on delivering genuinely helpful information without relying on manipulative SEO tactics may improve their rankings.

On the flip side, websites that over-optimize for search without offering meaningful insights or value to users could experience a drop in rankings. The update reflects Google’s ongoing focus on content quality over SEO trickery.

Better Recognition of Site Improvements

Google has also highlighted that the August 2024 core update will better recognize websites’ improvements over time. This means that websites that have undergone recent updates—improving user experience, refining content, or aligning more closely with user intent—should see their efforts reflected positively in search rankings. Google is rewarding continuous improvement, particularly when it results in a better user experience.

Small and Independent Sites Gain Visibility

The update focuses on surfacing content from diverse sources, benefiting smaller and independent content creators. Small websites with high-quality, original content may find this update beneficial, as Google works to offer users a broader range of information sources. This is a positive shift for creators who have struggled to compete with larger, more established sites despite offering valuable and unique content.

What to Do If Your Site is Affected

If you notice significant changes to your site’s search rankings after this update, it’s important not to panic. Core updates don’t target specific websites or types of content, but rather they recalibrate how Google evaluates content overall.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Review Google’s Core Update Guidelines: Google has updated its help page on core updates to provide more in-depth guidance. Revisiting this resource and ensuring your content aligns with best practices is crucial.
  2. Focus on Quality and User Intent: Re-evaluate your content with an emphasis on quality, relevance, and user intent. Ensure that your content is comprehensive, helpful, and satisfies the needs of your target audience.
  3. Monitor Changes: Pay attention to how your website performs after the update, and identify patterns in ranking changes to understand which content areas need improvement.

Preparing for Future Updates

Google has indicated it will continue addressing content quality in future core updates. To prepare for these changes:

  • Stay Updated with Google’s Announcements: Following Google’s blog and official search-related announcements can help you stay ahead of future updates.
  • Regularly Improve Content: Focus on consistently improving your content to ensure it stays relevant and valuable to your users.
  • Diversify Content Sources: Consider adopting a range of content types—such as videos, infographics, and interactive elements—to cater to different user preferences and needs.


Google’s August 2024 core update is a clear message that the search engine is doubling down on its mission to prioritize high-quality content that provides real value to users. For content creators and businesses, this means an ongoing commitment to originality, relevance, and user satisfaction. By keeping these principles at the core of your digital strategy, you’ll be better equipped to weather future updates and maintain a strong presence in search results.

For more detailed information and best practices, check out Google’s updated help page on core updates.

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August 2024 Google Core Update FAQ

What is the focus of Google’s future updates?2024-08-22T14:53:10+00:00

Google has indicated that future updates will continue to focus on promoting high-quality, useful content while ensuring that websites are constantly improving. Content relevance, originality, and user satisfaction will remain central to Google’s ranking algorithms.

Does the August 2024 Core Update target specific sites?2024-08-22T14:52:47+00:00

No, core updates do not target specific sites. Instead, they aim to improve how Google evaluates content as a whole, ensuring users are presented with the most relevant and helpful information for their search queries.

What should I do if my rankings drop after the August 2024 Core Update?2024-08-22T14:52:23+00:00

If you experience a ranking drop, revisit Google’s core update guidelines and focus on improving the overall quality of your content. Ensure that your website offers valuable, well-researched, and original content that satisfies user needs. Additionally, keep monitoring your site’s performance and make incremental improvements.

How can I tell if my website was affected by the August 2024 Core Update?2024-08-22T14:51:59+00:00

You can monitor your website’s traffic and rankings over the coming weeks using tools like Google Search Console. Significant drops or spikes in rankings or traffic could indicate that your site has been impacted by the update. Regularly checking your site’s performance will help you identify any changes.

Will smaller sites benefit from the August 2024 Core Update?2024-08-22T14:51:20+00:00

Yes, the update specifically aims to level the playing field by surfacing content from smaller, independent sites if they offer useful and original information. This gives smaller sites the opportunity to gain more visibility in search results.

What changes should I make to my site to adapt to the August 2024 Core Update?2024-08-22T14:50:57+00:00

To adapt, focus on creating content that is helpful, original, and tailored to user intent. Reassess your SEO practices and ensure your content is relevant, well-researched, and satisfies the needs of your audience. Additionally, continue improving your site’s user experience.

How will the August 2024 Core Update impact my website’s SEO?2024-08-22T14:50:30+00:00

Answer: The update may affect your site’s search rankings, especially if your content is considered overly optimized for SEO without providing substantial value to users. Websites that focus on high-quality, user-first content are more likely to benefit from the update.

What is Google’s August 2024 Core Update?2024-08-22T14:49:55+00:00

Answer: Google’s August 2024 Core Update is a broad algorithm update focused on improving search results by prioritizing high-quality, original content. The update aims to reward websites that deliver genuinely useful content while demoting pages created solely for SEO gains.

About Brad Nietfeldt

Brad Nietfeldt

As one of the most sought after digital marketing gurus in America, Brad’s entrepreneurial career involves writing and producing music, successful tech start ups, working for several fortune 500 companies and in his early 20s he was of the first support staff at the then start up currently known as Learn more.

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From Brad’s Brain

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson 

May my thoughts and experiences make a positive difference in your own lives. -Brad

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